T1-IRTM biotreatment works by providing directly to the cancer-fighting immune cells inside the tumor, a combination of cytokines (protein therapeutic) delivering a powerful activating signal that leads them to generate an active type-1 inflammation.   This newly induced intratumoral type-1 immune response works to overcome the anergic type-2 inflammatory response sitting in the tumor and permitting its growth, by generating a new population of strongly activated type-1 fighting immune cells, which build a powerful type-1 inflammation with the capability to destroy the tumor mass from inside out.

Preclinical Testing

Syngeneic tumor mouse models are the most significant preclinical tests to evaluate treatment potential efficacy at regressing human tumors.  Both the host and the tumor have the same genes and for the tumor to grow, it must evade an active immune response*.  These preclinical syngeneic tumors are very aggressive (metastatic) and mimic closely the development of human tumors that are syngeneic and grow by subverting the immune response. Preclinical testing in mice growing syngeneic skin tumors has shown that tumors treated with the T1-IRTM biotreatment regressed completely within 2 weeks (see pictures on page Tests in Mice). Ultrasound live imaging of regressing tumors revealed the tumor mass being emptied leaving a cavity inside a bag of stretched skin. Treated mice were cured and continued to live free of metastasis.

* The immune system is patrolling constantly the human body to preserve its integrity and will detect and kill any abnormal (cancerous) cells that can arise during the replication of billion of body cells every day.  Any abnormal cell detected is considered non-self and is destroyed by specialized immune cells.  A tumor grows when a cell or a group of cells evade the destruction by the immune cells.  In order for that to happen, the cells must be altered abnormally enough to have reprogrammed themselves to grow aggressively and to subvert or paralyze the immune response.

Treatment Disctictive Benefits

Our technology was discovered studying human tumors and the evidencing data are mainly from human studies, providing a clear indication for success in humans. The therapy is effected with immune hormones that are proteins already present in the human body and thus not toxic. The treatment is regenerative for patients and can be administered to advance stage patients and treat multiple tumor sites simultaneously. The treatment time is short spanned (1 month) and promotes self healing in lieu of a year of toxic radiotherapy or chemotherapy. Most effectively, it offers long-term protection against relapses by generating self-vaccination against the regressed tumor.